
Christian Education and Bible Curriculum

Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” The Bible offers the best guide for this life and the only hope for the life to come. Christian character development is an important aim of our school. Therefore, all students will hear about God and the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in our program of studies and activities from both pastoral staff and faculty

Upper school parents and students are encouraged to log in to Quickschools to access grades, attendance and teacher contacts. Your access code will be emailed to you prior to the start of school.

Google Classroom will be utilized by all teachers in the Upper School in the event we need to completely move to virtual learning due to Covid-19. Your student will receive a specific code for their class and teacher.


Kindergarten: 1st & 2nd Grade:
Satisfactory 3 = On Grade Level
Needs Improvement 2 = Working Toward Grade Level
Unsatisfactory 1 = Below Grade Level

3rd-12th Grade:
100-97 = A+ 89-87 = B+ 79-77 = C+ 69-67 = D+ 59-0 = F
96-93 = A 86-83 = B 76-73 = C 66-63 = D
92-90 = A- 82-80 = B- 72-70 = C- 62-60 =D

Progress reports will be given out for Kindergarten students twice a year – after the second nine-week period and at the end of the school year.Elementary, middle and high school students (3rd-12th Grade)will receive a progress report mid-grading period.

For 1st-12th Grade a report card will be issued at the
end of the nine-week grading period. These reports are to be signed and promptly returned to the student’s teacher as an indication of the parent’s/guardian’s awareness of the student’s progress.

Decisions regarding promotion and retention will be made on an individual basis. A student will be promoted if he/she successfully completes the following:
1) Absent for no more than 25 days
2) Satisfactorily completed assignments, tests, etc. for his/her grade level.
3) Upon the request of a parent concerning the retention of their child, a meeting will be held with the teacher of his/her grade level and the School Administrator. The final decision will rest with CCS personnel.